Annals of Urologic Oncology

Submit Manuscript

Guidelines for Reviewers

Annals of Urologic Oncology (AUO) follows a rigorous peer review process to evaluate submitted manuscripts. The journal uses a single-blind peer review process.

External reviewers may be chosen from author’s suggestions; however, additional reviewers may be appointed as needed. Designated Editorial Board Members are responsible for selecting at least two qualified reviewers for each manuscript, ensuring they have relevant expertise.

Review Report Instructions
The review report provides feedback to the Editors on the quality of the manuscript, and offers constructive suggestions to authors for improvement. Confidential comments, made by reviewers to the editors, will not be shared with the author. Constructive comments that may help improve the quality of the manuscript will be forwarded to the author. In their evaluation report, the reviewer should address the following points:

A. Is the manuscript comprehensive enough for people to understand? If not, how can it be improved?

B. Does the manuscript provide sufficient evidence to support its claims?

C. Have the authors properly acknowledged and referenced previous findings?

D. Are the methods described in sufficient detail to allow reproducibility?

E. Does the manuscript include detailed protocols as supplementary information? If not, should it?

Reviewers are expected to submit their reports in a timely manner (within two weeks), as a timely review contribute to the efficient publication of the manuscript, benefiting both the authors and the scientific community.

Reviewers should submit their reports on the manuscript to the designated Editorial Board Member along with their recommendations, choosing one of the following actions:

1) Accept Submission

2) Major/Minor Revisions Required

3) Decline Submission

Becoming A Reviewer
If you would like to become a reviewer for AUO, sign up for Manuscript System here, a proprietary online submission and peer review system for our journals. Potential reviewers may receive an official invitation letter from AUO, responding to which will designate them as a reviewer. If you are interested in becoming a reviewer, please Email us at and sign up in the manuscript system. This process will add your name, contact details and expertise to our reviewer database.

Special Issues

Special Issues are collections of papers on topics of particular interest, organized and led by Guest Editors who are experts in the field. All submissions for Special Issues follow the same peer review process as regular articles. All manuscripts should be submitted through the journal's online submission system, and Guest Editors and invited authors must adhere strictly to the Journal’s Editorial Policies.