Review Article | Open Access
Role of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Prostate Tumor Microenvironment and Cancer Stem Cell Niche
Pranathi Konda1, Merrel Holley2, Vinoth Kumar Lakshmanan1
1Prostate Cancer Biomarker Laboratory, Faculty of Clinical Research, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education & Research, Porur, Chennai-600116, India.
2International Hyperbaric Medical Foundation, Morgan City, LA, USA.
Correspondence: Vinoth Kumar Lakshmanan (Prostate Cancer Biomarker Laboratory, Faculty of Clinical Research, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education & Research, Porur, Chennai-600116, India; Email:
Annals of Urologic Oncology 2024, 7(4): 185-194.
Received: 15 Oct 2024 | Accepted: 03 Dec 2024 | Published online: 12 Dec 2024
Key words hyperbaric oxygen, hypoxia, tumor microenvironment, cancer stem cells, therapy
For HBOT to be efficacious, it can be administered through inhalation in the ambient environment, via an endotracheal tube within a monoplace chamber, or through masks, well fitting hoods, or endotracheal tubes within a larger multi-occupant chamber. The duration and barometric pressure of individual treatments may also varry, spanning from 45 minutes for carbon monoxide poisoning to nearly 5 hours for certain severe decompression disorders [12]. The decision regarding the use and qualification for HBOT was made by a collaborative team consisting of plastic surgeons, anesthesiologists, and intensive care specialists, in alignment with the guidelines set forth by the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society and the criteria established by the European consensus conference on hyperbaric medicine [13]. Recent studies suggest that pre-surgical HBOT may reduce complications and it can also be combined with surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and photodynamic therapy [14, 15].
HBOT is extensively employed as a post-injury treatment [16]. HBOT chambers, which are hermetically sealed, elevate barometric pressure and provide >92% O for breathing. Treatments generally involve pressurizing the environment to 1.5-3.0 ₂ ATA for 60-120 minutes, usually once or multiple times daily [17, 18]. HBOT can be administered through inhalation in the ambient environment, endotracheal tubes in monoplace chambers, or masks and hoods in multi-occupant chambers [19]. HBOT accelerates tissue healing and enhances physiological aspects by increasing oxygen delivery to injured areas, enhancing the oxygen diffusion gradient, and improving oxygen saturation in blood plasma, which helps overcome compromised blood flow and supports cell growth and wound healing (Figure 1) [20-22]. Fortunately, the side effects of HBOT are typically mild [23]. The therapeutic impact of HBOT is attributed to at least five mechanisms: epigenetic regulation of gene expression, mechanical effects, bacteriostatic effects, hyperoxygenation for carbon monoxide and cyanide poisoning treatment, and restoration from hypoxia [24, 25].
HBOT modifies signalling pathways related to hypoxia and wound healing, notably affecting hypoxia inducible factor (HIF) and heme-oxygenase (HO) pathways [26]. It also influences apoptotic pathways, including the mitochondrial pathway, tumor suppressive endoplasmic reticulum stress (ERS), and autophagy due to decreased ratio of Bcl-2/Bax, increased level of p53, cleaved Caspase3, GRP78, CHOP, and LC3 in response to HBOT combined with melatonin on gastric cancer [27]. In severe brain disorders, HBOT reduces flammation, suppresses proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, IL-12, TNFα, IFNγ), and boosts the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10, indicating potential cytoprotective effects (Figure 1) [28]. HBOT can stimulate angiogenesis in various organs (Figure 1) [29]. HBOT has been extensively documented for its ability to improve Late Radiation Tissue Injury (LRTI) in various tissue types (Figure 1) [30]. HBOT is known to impede the advancement of genetically restricted autoimmune manifestations (Figure 1) [31]. While HBOT presents significant therapeutic potential, it is not without limitations, as discussed later in this paper.

Usually, the TME is the one that serves as a pivotal role in preserving the stem-like characteristics of Cancer. In the case of prostate tumor, a distinct subpopulation of cells possessing stem cell-like traits, including the expression of stem cell markers CD44 and CD133, is recognized as cancer stem cells or cancer repopulating cells (CRCs). These cells possess the proliferative capacity to sustain the tumor mass and they also exhibit resistance to chemotherapy, enabling them to repopulate the tumor and instigate metastasis following cancer treatment (Figure 4) [75]. It is believed that the presence of rare intermediate cells, which display a combination of CK5, CK8/18, and prostate stem cell antigen (PSCA), signifies the progenitor or transit amplifying cell population [76]. Recent findings indicate that calcitonin (CT), a hormone that lowers the amount of calcium in the bloodstream when secreted by the thyroid gland induces the expression of stem cell markers and other traits associated with CRC in PCa cells and enhances the metastatic potential of PCa cells by triggering epithelial to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) (Figure 4) [77]. miRNAs are also found to play an important role in regulating the stemness of PCSCs, both through direct control of transcription factors and biomarkers associated with stemness, indirectly impacting the process of EMT [78]. Mutations affecting the BAZ2A-bromodomain or the use of chemical agents that disrupt the binding between BAZ2A-bromodomain and H3K14ac have a detrimental impact on prostate cancer stem cells. Additionally, the pharmacological inhibition of BAZ2A-BRD hinders the oncogenic transformation resulting from Pten loss in the case of prostate organoids [77]. For the forthcoming patient-specific PCa therapies, NF-kB pathways can be used which plays a potential role by eradicating PCSCs. Treatment with TNFα was also shown to successively eliminate PCSCs (Figure 4) [79].

In addition to the previously mentioned limitations, logistical barriers can also pose challenges in the administration of HBOT. For instance, a qualitative study involving podiatrists from high-risk foot clinics near Sydney revealed that participants considered the evidence supporting HBOT for diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) to be extremely limited. Many studies were criticized for lacking scientific rigor, leading the podiatrists to recommend HBOT referrals only when requested by the patient [90].
Over the decades, PCSCs have been a focal point in cancer research due to their significant role in tumor initiation, progression, and resistance to conventional therapies [91]. These cells possess the unique ability to self-renew and differentiate, which makes them a critical target in the fight against prostate cancer. The resistance of PCSCs to conventional therapies is a major challenge, as these cells can survive treatment and lead to tumor relapse and metastasis. Therefore, developing therapies that specifically target PCSCs is crucial for improving treatment outcomes. By focusing on strategies that eliminate these resilient cells, we can potentially reduce the risk of recurrence and improve the overall efficacy of prostate cancer treatments in combination with HBOT. This approach holds promise for more effective and lasting cancer therapy, bringing us closer to better patient outcomes. In addition, nanotechnology platforms allow for precise control over the size and shape of nanomaterials, which can be optimized to target cancer cells more effectively. The combination of these nanomaterials with antibodies or nanobodies can further enhance their specificity and therapeutic impact for Prostate cancer [92] and offers exciting potential in targeting prostate cancer stem cells (PCSCs) in combination of HBOT whereby significant enhancement on therapeutic outcomes by specifically targeting PCSCs, thereby improving efficacy and reducing stemness features can be achieved and vital role of biomarkers [93] can be addressed for precised treatment.
Ethical policy
Non applicable.
Availability of data and materials
No data was used for the research described in the article.
Author contributions
The study was directed by MH and VKL. PK searched academic literature, wrote the manuscript draft. MH and VKL supervised the review draft and approved the final manuscript submission.
Competing interests
MH is the current president of the International Hyperbaric Medical Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit and holds multiple patents on hyperbaric technologies. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this review.
This study was financially supported by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), SERB (Research Grant number CRG/2021/001369) to V-KL.
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Annals of urologic oncology
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